What if I’m not 100% satisfied with my purchase?
Answer :
At Meatnister®, we are committed to offering you nothing short of an outstanding experience. If we haven’t lived up to that standard, we urge you to get in touch with our Consumer Care team, available from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm MST. Alternatively, you can email us at complaints@meatnisters.com. We value your feedback and want to hear from you
American Humane Certified™
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What is the American Humane Certified™ Farm Program? The American Humane Certified™ Farm Program is the inaugural third-party audit initiative in the nation focusing on farm animal welfare. The program, endorsed by the American Humane Association, is grounded in the universally accepted principles of the Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare. Its standards have been developed with the input of distinguished animal science specialists and veterinarians. Furthermore, these standards undergo regular reviews by a Scientific Advisory Committee to ensure they are keeping pace with modern research, advancements in technology, and humane handling techniques. What are the “five freedoms” of animal welfare? Freedom from hunger and thirst Freedom from discomfort Freedom from pain, injury or disease Freedom to express normal behavior Freedom from fear and distress Who guides the development of the American Humane Certified™ program? The American Humane Certified™ Scientific Advisory Committee undertakes regular reviews of the American Humane Certified™ Standards. This committee made up of distinguished animal welfare experts including Dr. Temple Grandin, offers guidance and recommendations pertaining to the association’s activities and initiatives. More specifically, the committee: • Reviews and modifies procedures, guidelines, policies, and ethics • Initiates and evaluates original and secondary research • Assists the association in determining best practices Why did we decide to certify our practices for our Meatnisters® Natural products? We chose to seek third-party certification for our animal care practices associated with Meatnisters® due to the vital importance of animal welfare. Additionally, this move aligns with the evolving requirements of an increasing segment of consumers seeking natural, more conscientious choices. Which of your Meatnisters® products are American Humane Certified™? Our Meatnisters® Natural products have been awarded the American Humane Certified™ designation, as the chickens are raised by our family farm partners who participate in the annual certification audit process. Our Organic Meatnisters® products are sourced from chickens supplied by certified organic farmers and do not bear the AHC label. These farmers uphold the animal welfare standards mandated under the National Organic Program.
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What does “no antibiotics ever” imply? Numerous claims are made about antibiotic usage, but the statements on the label carry the most weight as they are the ones regulated by the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service. Per the USDA-FSIS definition, “no antibiotics ever” implies that a chicken has never been subjected to antibiotics throughout its life cycle. This includes the time when the chick is incubating in the shell as well as its entire lifespan post-hatching. In case a bird necessitates antibiotic treatment, our professional veterinary team will evaluate the bird and recommend an appropriate course of treatment, subsequently moving the bird to a conventional program. Such a bird is never sold under the Meatnisters® label. Does the usage of antibiotics in chicken present any risk to human health? Strict standards for the use of medications in food animals are enforced by the USDA and FDA. The chicken industry has responsibly and judiciously used antibiotics for many years, always prioritizing bird and human health. Nonetheless, we persistently explore innovative production practices that allow us to minimize the use of these tools.
Animal Care & Welfare
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Does Meatnisters® have a policy in place to ensure the humane treatment of animals? What does it entail? Indeed. Pilgrim’s®, the organization responsible for the Meatnister® brand, is fully aware of our ethical duty to the health and humane care of our chickens, and we wholeheartedly commit to this responsibility. From the breeding stage, through hatching, to processing, our policy is crystal clear—we have zero tolerance for any intentional abuse or ill-treatment of our chickens.
Are arsenicals fed to Meatnisters® flocks? What are they?
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No, Meatnister® flocks are never administered arsenicals, and they never have been. You may be curious about what an arsenical is? It’s essentially a drug or another compound that contains arsenic. In the past, arsenic was used as a feed supplement to promote overall bird health and guard against certain diseases such as coccidiosis, a parasitic illness affecting the intestinal tract. However, it has been subsequently withdrawn from the U.S. market.
Cage Free
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Are your chickens raised in cages? Our chickens are not raised in cages. They are free to move about in modern, climate-controlled barns, known as “growout houses”, with strict bio-security plans. This reduces the threat of stress or exposure to the elements and environmental dangers such as avian influenza.
Chicken Feed
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What do you feed your chickens? We provide our chickens quality feed that is nutritionally balanced. Our proprietary formulas are developed under the direction of experienced nutritionists to produce healthy chickens, and wholesome, tasty chicken products. Our feed contains nutritious corn, soybean meal, minerals, vitamins and other natural ingredients. There are no antibiotics, no added hormones/steroids, no animal byproducts and no arsenicals.
Food Allergens & Ingredients
Answer: Does Meatnisters® chicken contain any allergens? As is standard with all packaged goods, always inspect the label for specific ingredients and potential allergens that could be included. Should you have concerns that additional ingredients may have been utilized in any store-prepared items, do not hesitate to converse with the meat or deli department manager. FRESH CHICKEN – Meatnisters Natural and Organic Fresh Chicken products are free of any added solutions or ingredients, gluten-free, and allergen-free. DELI ROTISSERIE – Meatnisters Deli Rotisserie chicken is marinated in chicken broth, sea salt, and water, and hence does not contain any allergens or substances that may cause food sensitivities. FULLY COOKED – Each Meatnisters Fully Cooked item is labeled accurately, with all ingredients and allergens clearly marked. If you have an allergen concern: always check the label.
Food Safety
Answer: How can I confirm that my chicken is cooked adequately? Certain visual indicators can assist you in determining if your chicken is fully cooked. These include: • The meat’s juices should be clear, with no pink traces visible. • A fork should easily penetrate the meat. Nonetheless, to ensure thorough cooking, the use of a meat thermometer is highly recommended by experts. The USDA Food Safety & Inspection Service advises that all cuts of chicken should be cooked to an internal temperature of at least 165°F. Measure the temperature in the densest part of the thigh or breast, making sure the temperature probe doesn’t touch the bone or cooking surface. What precautions should I take for safety while preparing and handling fresh chicken? Most food safety concerns related to chicken and other fresh meats originate from bacteria (like salmonella) that are typical in the digestive systems of farm animals. Such bacteria are easily eradicated by heat. Hence, cooking poultry properly essentially removes the risk posed by these potentially harmful bacteria. For more detailed tips, you may want to check the National Chicken Council’s website!
Freshness Date Code
Answer: What information does the code printed on the upper right of every package contain? A manufacturer’s sell-by date that indicates when the product should be sold fresh by for best quality.
What about GMOs?
Does the feed for your chickens contain GMOs? Meatnisters® Natural/Deli/Prepared Products: Our approach is to adhere to the guidelines and regulations set out by the FDA, who vigilantly monitor and regulate the safety of feed ingredients, including genetically modified (GM) crops, to ensure they are safe for both animal and human consumption. We fully trust in the safety and quality of the feed given to our chickens. Meatnisters® Organic: Our Meatnisters® Organic chickens are given a non-GMO vegetable and grain diet. As per USDA Organic regulations, the use of genetic engineering is forbidden in the production of organic products. Does meat from animals that have been fed genetically modified (GM) crops contain GMOs? Regardless of the increasingly precise and sensitive tests available, food scientists have found no discernible difference in the meat, milk, or eggs of animals based on the type of feed they consume. There is no nutritional disparity between chicken products derived from chickens fed on GM crops and those that have not been. Crucially, no food safety or health risks have been associated with consuming chicken or other animal agricultural products (such as eggs, dairy) raised with GM feed ingredients. This position is backed by over 15 years of extensive use of GMO crops in conventional agriculture without any observable adverse effects, and is also supported by the World Health Organization (WHO).
If there are no hormones added to your chicken, why doesn’t your label read, “hormone-free?” Our package does not read “hormone-free,” because all living creatures have hormones in their bodies naturally, including chickens. These hormones regulate many of the chickens’ functions similar to the way they do in humans. Because there are naturally occurring hormones in chicken, we can’t state on our label that our chicken is “hormone-free”. What does “no added hormones” mean? Simply stated, that means no hormones or steroids were used in the production of our chicken products. In fact, no hormone or steroid has ever been approved by the USDA or FDA for use in poultry.
Does Meatnisters® chicken contain any added ingredients? Our Meatnisters® Natural and Organic chicken products do not contain any added solution or ingredients whatsoever, including salt, water, carrageenan (seaweed extract), other binding agents, or preservatives. They consist of 100% all-natural chicken and nothing else. Our Meatnisters® Deli Rotisserie Chicken is marinated with natural chicken broth, sea salt, and water, ensuring that it remains tender and juicy during cooking and reheating. However, it’s noteworthy that supermarket meat and/or deli team members might occasionally add their own ingredients after our products reach them. Therefore, we highly recommend that you review the label or consult the meat or deli department manager if you suspect additional ingredients might have been used. Your packaging denotes that Meatnisters® Natural is “all natural.” What does that imply? The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) defines “natural” as a product devoid of artificial ingredients, coloring ingredients, or chemical preservatives, and is minimally processed. We share this viewpoint, so that’s how we define it as well!
What does the “USDA organic” certification imply for chicken? To bear the USDA organic seal on chicken products, they must first be verified by a USDA-accredited certifying agent to meet the USDA’s national organic standards, as outlined by the National Organic Program Final Rule. This includes the farm where the chickens were raised, along with the rearing, handling, and production practices and substance usage. Broadly, organic producers need to show that they are safeguarding natural resources, preserving biodiversity, and utilizing only approved substances. For livestock and poultry, the USDA organic seal necessitates that: The edible chicken products must originate from chickens raised organically on an organic farm starting no later than two days post-hatch; Chickens were reared in compliance with set animal health and welfare standards; Chickens were provided with certified 100% organic feed their entire lives. The feed used for organic poultry production cannot contain animal drugs, including added hormones, for growth promotion (note: the federal government bans the use of added or synthetic hormones in chickens) or antibiotics (including ionophores), supplements or additives in quantities above those needed for appropriate nutrition and health maintenance; plastic feed pellets; urea or manure; animal by-products (of mammalian or avian origin); additives or supplements in violation of the FDA; genetically engineered grains; or any grains grown using pesticides or chemical fertilizers. Chickens were never administered antibiotics; Chickens have access to the outdoors unless adverse weather, the animal’s life stage or circumstances could endanger the health, safety, or wellbeing of the chickens. Your label mentions “access to outdoors.” Is that equivalent to “free-range?” No. The chickens sold under the Meatnisters® organic label are not classified as “free-range” because they don’t have unrestricted outdoor access. Rather, chickens freely wander within spacious barns with open floors and have limited outdoor access. These barns provide access to fresh water and feed, natural light, and ventilation. Raising chickens outdoors in the Midwest comes with several challenges, including weather, predators, and disease exposure like avian influenza. For instance, baby chicks require a warm and dry environment in their first two weeks of life and wouldn’t survive outdoors. Older chickens would experience extreme stress, possibly leading to death, if kept outdoors in hot or cold weather. Does a certified organic label assure that the chicken is 100% free of GMOs? No, which is why many organic products do not bear a GMO-free/non-GMO claim. Despite stringent organic certification procedures, organic certification is about the “process” of excluding GMOs from food, rather than the “validation” of the absence of GMOs in food. The NOP Final Rule specifies that an organic operation has to provide documentation proving it hasn’t used GMOs and takes reasonable measures to avoid contact with GMOs. Because there is no required testing process for organic ingredients, there’s a slight possibility that GMOs could find their way into some organic foods. This could result from: • Cross-pollination between GMO and non-GMO crops in neighboring fields; • Trace amounts of GMO ingredients found in animal feed; • Seeds being carried by wind or migratory birds to an organic farm’s fields; and • The inadvertent mixing of ingredients from suppliers. While organic certifiers aim to ensure that GMOs are not present in organic products, many concur that a 100% GMO-free guarantee may not be feasible, and insisting on it could significantly disrupt organic production.
Serving Size
Why does the number of servings indicated on nutritional labels differ from the number of pieces inside the package? Does a single piece equate to one serving? Not necessarily. A single piece doesn’t correspond to one serving. The USDA suggests a serving size of 3 ounces (post-cooking) for boneless skinless chicken breast, which is roughly the size of a deck of cards. As per ChooseMyPlate.gov, women should incorporate approximately 5 ounces of meat or meat substitutes in their daily meals, while men should aim for about 6 ounces. Depending on the chicken brand you select, a boneless skinless chicken breast might weigh between 5 and 9 ounces, potentially double or triple the recommended portion size for one serving. For further information, consider visiting 9 Portion Mistakes to Avoid, or utilize USDA’s convenient MyPlate Daily Checklist to develop a diet tailored to you and your lifestyle.
Truthfulness of Labeling
How do I know all the package claims on your label are truthful? Meatnisters® follows all labeling regulations as mandated by the USDA-Food Safety & Inspection Service (FSIS)—the agency responsible for ensuring the truthfulness and accuracy of labeling for meat and poultry.
Vegetable & Grain Fed/No Animal By-Products
Your Meatnisters® Natural and Organic labels say the products are “Vegetable & Grain Fed.” What does that mean? This signifies that the chickens under the Meatnisters® brand are not given any form of animal byproducts (this includes meat and bone meal, as well as vegetable/animal fat mixtures).
Water Retention Statement
The label states “Up to X% Retained Water”. Does this mean you’re infusing my chicken with water? Absolutely not. During the processing stage, water is utilized to swiftly cleanse and cool the chicken meat. In the cooling process, the chicken meat inherently soaks up or “retains” a slight quantity of water. The moisture retention statement on the label reflects the amount of water retained in the chicken product you’re purchasing. We adhere to the USDA’s regulated standards and endeavor to reduce the amount of water in our packaging. The quantity of water retained fluctuates depending on the chicken cut and part, and it’s clearly specified on the packaging.
Do you provide payment receipts?
Yes, each payment has an ID and record in our database. We provide payment receipts and keep records for each payment.
How is my payment guaranteed?
All payments must be paid following instructions on the Payment Instructions. T/T payments shall be received by PERDIX account or an authorized account by PERDIX. We guarantee every payment sent to us directly, this guarantee is sealed with a payment record and receipt. Escrow payments shall be guaranteed by the escrow company.
What does the date on the package mean? Is it ever ok to eat product after the expiration code date on the package?
The code date location varies depending on the product. Frozen chicken: code date is printed on the box and back label of each product. The code date on the package is the last day that you should consume that Particular product. But, once a product is open, the full contents of the package should be kept airtight in the refrigerator and consumed within 3 days, even if the code date on the package is later. Product can be frozen for up to 3 months as long as it is placed in the freezer prior to the code date on the package. Once thawed, product should be used within 3 days.