Experience the succulent taste and exceptional quality of our premium Frozen Chicken Legs. At Meatnister, we take pride in offering a superior product sourced from trusted exporters and suppliers. Our Frozen Chicken Legs are meticulously processed and frozen to maintain their freshness and deliver the highest level of satisfaction to...



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Experience the succulent taste and exceptional quality of our premium Frozen Chicken Legs. At Meatnister, we take pride in offering a superior product sourced from trusted exporters and suppliers. Our Frozen Chicken Legs are meticulously processed and frozen to maintain their freshness and deliver the highest level of satisfaction to our customers.


  • Product: Frozen Chicken Legs
  • Packaging: Individually labeled, trussed, and bagged for frozen chicken
  • Labeling Specification: Product Description, Product Weight, Use By Date, Storage Instructions
  • Shelf Life: Fresh Chicken Legs - 10 days from the kill date; Frozen Chicken Legs - Up to 24 months
  • Weight Range: Available in a weight range of 1.0kg - 3.0kg
  • Packing Specification:
    • 1.0 - 1.4 kg: 10 pieces per box
    • 1.5 - 2.3 kg: 8 pieces per box
    • 2.4 - 3.0 kg: 6 pieces per box

Our Frozen Chicken Legs undergo a meticulous processing procedure to ensure their exceptional quality. The legs are carefully sourced, and the neck and feet are removed, providing you with a convenient and ready-to-cook product. For fresh chicken, you have the option to choose untrussed, trussed, or trussed and bagged. However, all frozen chicken legs are trussed, bagged, and individually labeled to make handling and storage easier for you.

When it comes to quality assurance, we leave no stone unturned. Our Frozen Chicken Legs are washed, cleaned, and free from any undesirable elements. They are carefully inspected to ensure there are no yellow skin, feathers, bad smells, blood, bruises, black pads, or traces of carved deep wounds. With less than 3% broken bones and moisture content of less than 5%, our Frozen Chicken Legs meet the highest industry standards.

For optimal preservation, our Frozen Chicken Legs are blast-frozen at -40°C and stored at -18°C. This ensures that they maintain their freshness, flavor, and nutritional value until they reach your kitchen. Proper temperature is maintained during transportation, ranging from -10°C to -15°C, to guarantee product integrity.

To meet various needs and preferences, we offer different weight ranges for our Frozen Chicken Legs. Whether you require smaller or larger portions, we have you covered.

If you are interested in obtaining detailed information about the features, quantity options, cost, and quality of our Frozen Chicken Legs, we kindly request you to request a quote. For a personalized quote, please email us at Our dedicated team will promptly provide you with all the necessary details.

Choose Meatnister for the finest Frozen Chicken Legs that exceed your expectations in taste, quality, and convenience. Request a quote today and discover a new level of culinary satisfaction.

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